Free T-Shirt from Tribe of Two Sheiks Hummus

I hate hummus but love free t-shirts! Thanks for the post :)
Hummus is awesome. The homemeade kind is better, but Tribe is good too.
Maybe they didn't like your stories.

Was there some fine print that said you only get the shirt if we like your story?
Me too! I wanted the t shirt. Not a couple stupid coupons!:(
Oh well. No t-shirt just two thirty-five cent off coupons. :confused: Thanks anyway. They don't sell anywhere around here anyway.
Ah Hah! I just went back to their website. On the left hand side of the page it says " WIN a t-shirt" right above the pic of a woman wearing the t-shirt. Either they changed the page to include that, or, we all missed it. (I think maybe they changed it! SHHHH!)
This company has been doing this for several years. It used to be 'get a t shirt' but that changed and the most i ever received was a coupon-once!
3 stupid coupons is all I received!

Yeah, I don't bother with coupons under $1 so I just threw the stupid coupons away. Hmmm....bait and switch huh? Might be a good reason NOT to buy thier stuff!:mad: