Gettin Used to the New Spoofee


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2007
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:05:Well i must say that everytime i log onto here lately that i see something has either been added or taken away. SO that leaves me with some questions......Are we turnin into Myspace? Ya know with ya will you be my friend thing and Whats up with the Reputation thing and how do you check all this? I dont mean to vent but i'm just a tad confused. Its kinda like that ol adage "If it aint broken.....Dont fix it". :p

What does it mean by I'm on a Distinguished road? Ya know that little green square thing over there <~~~~~~~~~~
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I second that! What the heck has gone on here? It seems as though I was logged off for a weekend or so and when I came back, a whole lot had changed. Call me crazy, but didn't we all deserve at least a PM describing the changes and how they affect members' standing? You all know that I absolutely LOVE Spoofee and am so happy to be here but I think that members truly deserved advance notifation and explanation, don't you?
I second that! What the heck has gone on here? It seems as though I was logged off for a weekend or so and when I came back, a whole lot had changed. Call me crazy, but didn't we all deserve at least a PM describing the changes and how they affect members' standing? You all know that I absolutely LOVE Spoofee and am so happy to be here but I think that members truly deserved advance notifation and explanation, don't you?

Don't you bring me into this. :tongue::tongue:
I think Mr. Spoofee upgraded the version and some of the newer features are even 'new to him'.......


ladymez said:
......a whole lot had changed. Call me crazy, but didn't we all deserve at least a PM describing.....

Ladymez, are you sure you want us to call you "Crazy But" :confused: It might get confusing...:rofl:
scroll all the way down to the bottom there, and look at the software version number.
the latest commercial release of vBulletin is 3.6.10.
version 3.7.0 release candidate 3 means the stuff we're using isn't even available to the general public.

so I suppose this is a public beta, and when you're running beta, you've got to expect to do a little bit of bug reporting. (in addition to the fact that the vBulletin guys added a slew of features since the previous version Spoofee was running.)

enjoy the ride and explore.
scroll all the way down to the bottom there, and look at the software version number.
the latest commercial release of vBulletin is 3.6.10.
version 3.7.0 release candidate 3 means the stuff we're using isn't even available to the general public.

so I suppose this is a public beta, and when you're running beta, you've got to expect to do a little bit of bug reporting. (in addition to the fact that the vBulletin guys added a slew of features since the previous version Spoofee was running.)

enjoy the ride and explore.

Ohhhh Ok. Dang i feel special now. So i guess we will get to press all the little buttons and see what they do. So far its a little complex. I hope i dont delete myself or something.
Ohhhh Ok. Dang i feel special now. So i guess we will get to press all the little buttons and see what they do. So far its a little complex. I hope i dont delete myself or something.

There ya go. That's the positive attitude.
Ok Question number 4 or 5 or whatever number i'm on now.........why has my rep been disabled? Am i on a time out or something? lol
Guessing when he added that members can have this option, some were disbaled by default?

Go to control panel (CP) and look under the first box of options....
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Make sure you check the 2nd box so your rep shows. :)

Hope it helps.
Thank you! I think i got it

Now what about this distinguished road?:convinced:
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Well, the first one to reach 1,000,000 rep points by making great posts gets to ban Preco......:eek:...I mean Dehawk :p
Guessing when he added that members can have this option, some were disbaled by default?

Go to control panel (CP) and look under the first box of options....

Make sure you check the 2nd box so your rep shows. :)

Hope it helps.

I can't find the 'Login and Privacy' section!!
Did you go into "edit options" under the CP?
Thank You
I'd give you rep points, but I'm not allowed.
Guessing when he added that members can have this option, some were disbaled by default?

Go to control panel (CP) and look under the first box of options....

Make sure you check the 2nd box so your rep shows. :)

Hope it helps.

Look at who is trying out for the next mod opening;)
We as mods never had any heads-up with the updates either. We just had to click and learn the new stuff just like the rest of you all. :convinced:
We as mods never had any heads-up with the updates either. We just had to click and learn the new stuff just like the rest of you all. :convinced:

This does not give me the "warm comfies". :worry: