Good motherboard


New member
Mar 13, 2003
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Does anyone know of a good motherboard to use for a P4? I am building my own computer and want one that will be current and also easily upgradeable. Plus it needs to be COOL. :D
i dont get what you mean when you say "it needs to be cool" because a motherboard is a motherboard. If you want to decorate your computer, you would have case mods with cold cathode ray lights and junk like that.

dependable motherboards, I just heard that ASUS is one of the best all around. MSI makes shitty ones and that's one I have and I hate it. It's red... is that "COOL"? so uhm yeah.

I would get an ASUS motherboard... Soyo is okay, their cheapones are horrible though. Just be prepared to spend atleast $130 for a decent motherboard.

I still cant figure out what you mean by "COOL" but okay.
I wonder too how a MB can be cool. I was reading on another forum about chipset fans and the poster said the same thing " This Vantec fan is cool looking". A chipset fan is cool?

A case can be cool, or maybe a mouse, but a part inside the case?

Now if I had one of those clear plexiglass cases where you can see inside from every angle perhaps then the parts would be cool. Then again a transparent case is cool and would overshadow the parts inside.
one of the best ones i have found is the abit be7, which has insane overclocking abilities and doesn't cost an arm and a leg. and it has integrated everything except video.
TheRingWraithe said:
I wonder too how a MB can be cool. I was reading on another forum about chipset fans and the poster said the same thing " This Vantec fan is cool looking". A chipset fan is cool?

A case can be cool, or maybe a mouse, but a part inside the case?

Now if I had one of those clear plexiglass cases where you can see inside from every angle perhaps then the parts would be cool. Then again a transparent case is cool and would overshadow the parts inside.

I agree... hehe I have some pics for my comp. I mean I thought I would super Modify it so it's like... "COOL" with my case, but I got lazy, all I did was the Cold Ray Tube and that was it. I didnt do anymore modifications. I wanted to change the Drives to Black, but I got too lazy for that too... but here...

Total Darkness
Regular Lighting

If you look closely in the second one, you can see my toe =P kinda embarassed about it... but oh well, I'm a lazy person =P hahha
nice....nice i have an asus Av8Xn or whatever the hell you call it mobo. Works great and i can overclock and stuff without a problem up to around 3 gigs. Got my case going too. Raidmax Acrylic Blue Aluminum Case, clear side panel. I have a fan sticking in the middle of the panel. It's a blue LED fan and i also have the Blue cold cathod light stick in it. Thinkin of putting another one in. No pix yet tho. I'm also thinking about getting Rounded Neon IDE cables to finish off my case and also save on space and improve air flow