has anyone used www.iunlock.com


Gold Member
Aug 30, 2002
Reaction score
Has anyone used their service to unlock your phone?
what's your opinion?

Does anyone here lives there nearby who can verify that this is a legitimate business.

Mailing address:

Warlox Wireless Accessories
ATTN: iUnlock.com
485 Arsenal St
Watertown, MA 02472 USA

Phone number: (617) 923-9932

the phone is my friend's old cingular phone(Siemens S56) which he wants to use with Tmobile prepaid now.

Do you know any other website which you have used to unlock your phones in the past, please let me know.
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do u have any third party wireless stores around? If you do you can just get it unlock at those places. Not retailers.

Im in NY and those types of stores are everywhere like roaches.
actually i went to a few stores and they all said they can't do siemens.

my friend lives not far from nyc, do you think you can recommend some places that he can go to who can unlock the siemens S56?

i also found out another website, but again i don't know if they are legitimate.
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Yes it's a legitimate business. I work for Chase Home Loan sometimes we have to verify small businesses I just check it against D&B report and they exist under the name "Warlox Wireless".

I you want to do it youself just go to http://www.dnb.com/us/ and verify the business or www.knowx.com