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RIP Pretty Unique
Oct 1, 2005
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My sons computer only has a 7GBHD and I want to add either an internal or external HD for more space. I have a 6GBHD(internal) but figure it would be easier to just use an external. Any suggestions?? other than getting a new computer, which is not an option. Had to buy a car and have no extra $$$.
Two external hard drives on Spoofee homepage
That would depend on what kind of computer it is. Really old computers might only do USB 1.0 which is reallly slow.
Tower is Gateway, pent.2, 128RAM, 7GBHD running XP

This sounds really, really old.

Are there hamsters on the inside spinning the hard drive???

I think we could help you out better if you posted the model number
Not sure about a model number. This is on the front of the tower: G6-350
I know it's old, I have never had a new one. Don't have the money to buy anything new & just get old ones & try to fix what they need.

I already have an internal 6GBHD that I was going to install in another comp. but that one died and couldn't be revived. I was going to add it to this one.
Want to know if it would be easier to just use an external one that to open this thing up and install one.
For convenience, the external would be better. If you are anticipating saving large files (500MB+), I'd put internally since the USB is slower than the IDE ribbon cable.

If you do decide to go internal, be sure you have the room in the computer and that you set the master/slave/cable select jumper correctly on the drive. Any other questions, please post.
Be aware that since that computer was made there are now SATA cable connections and and an SATA hard drive won't work in yours. Just make sure what you get is an IDE or you'll have a hard drive with no computer. I have a bunch of these old IDE 7GB hard drives and recently bought an enclosure for one (or so I thought) for a good deal. I forgot about the SATA vs IDE so not have beautiful enclosure box and no hard drive to fit it.