Have that pesky zit that wont go away?


~*MrS. LuRz*~
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
My friends mom once told me to do this and I thought she was crazy but it works and it saves me all the time. I had to use it last night and that is what prompted this thread.

If you have a zit or feel like a zit is starting b/c the skin is tender put toothpaste on it. The best time is to do it before you go to bed. A nice big glob...yea it isnt the sexiest look...but when you wake up in the morning the zit will be gone.

If you think about it...toothpaste kills bacteria on your teeth, why wouldn't it do the same on your face?

Just thought I would share!!

Casey's Disclaimer: I was doing some research and it says everyones skin reacts differently to different toothpaste. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to try in a small hidden area to see how your skin reacts, I have very sensative skin and it works wonders for me (I have used multiple brands..whatever is on sale...and has never failed). I also read that Crest is bad and may irritate skin (I never used Crest, I have Colgate now). Do not hold me liable for any damages!
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I've actually tried that and it does work, read it in a magazine awhile back.
From the title of the thread I thought this was another Dehawk thread! LOL
Some days I could go through a whole tube! LOL
Thanks for the tip. I had a zit come up today. I will have to try this.
woke up w a new one... may have to try this. what i wonder, though, is- why not use toothpaste all over your face (ick i know but...) then you wouldn't break out... or would it clog your pores really bad and make your skin worse?
clubchick said:
woke up w a new one... may have to try this. what i wonder, though, is- why not use toothpaste all over your face (ick i know but...) then you wouldn't break out... or would it clog your pores really bad and make your skin worse?

good idea. I'll start taking bets to see who has enough balls to actually do this and post a pic of it.

we will start the bidding at $1.00.

do i hear one buck??
clubchick said:
woke up w a new one... may have to try this. what i wonder, though, is- why not use toothpaste all over your face (ick i know but...) then you wouldn't break out... or would it clog your pores really bad and make your skin worse?

PLEASE PLEASE make sure the toothpaste does not irritate your skin before you do that! I don't want to be held reponsible when you have to walk around with a red face for a couple of days!!!

it might not be good to put it on your whole face...I would just stick to zits...
yeah toothpaste works but stay away from extreme mint type (crest extreme herbal mint for example) b/c that will get rid of the pimple but BURN your skin in the process :eek: and then you'll have a wider red burn mark for a few days.
You can also do an aspirin mask on those really bad spots. Take two aspirin crush them in a small bowl and add just enough water to make a firm paste. Put the paste on the blemish and let it set till it dries. Wash your face and normally by the next day the spot has been reduced or if it's one of the underground ones, it'll bring it to the surface.

I use it occasional and it works like a charm to get rid of the bad ones.

This is with actual toothpaste, not gel or anything of that nature, riiiite?

Oh, and I read in that new "YOU: the owner's manual" book written by that guy who always shows up on Oprah, that the best way to remove a pimple is not by popping it because nails will irritate the skin and other stuff like that. Instead, they said to get a needle and horizontally stick it into the top of the pimple from one end to the other (after sanitizing it, of course).

They said this would speed recovery. They also said that this would not hurt one bit because pimples have no nerves in them! Just don't look! Lol. Use this method if the toothpaste isn't working out too great for you!
Does it matter what "flavor" toothpaste it is, all that I have run acress at home so far is Whitening & Peroxide toothpaste
nigdonht said:
Does it matter what "flavor" toothpaste it is, all that I have run acress at home so far is Whitening & Peroxide toothpaste
a little pimply, are we? huh? got some zits coming to the surface? a little acne-prone? hmm?? a bit bumpy faced? hmm?? yeah??
"But what if it's hormone free milk? I wonder...."

Even if they don't add hormones, cows milk has hormones. Soy has phytoestrogen, another hormone. sigh.
Rockstar said:
Instead, they said to get a needle and horizontally stick it into the top of the pimple from one end to the other

ugh.... I'll use my nails....thats ok..
don't we all just love those zits
how many new friends (on your face) did you make today?
I made 2
Where is that Aquafresh toothpaste?!?!?1
nice avatar,
rockstar :claps: :claps: :claps: :claps:
At firstI assumed it was wade, then I happened to catch a better glimpse of the pic.:eek:
