They still might sue. Of course they might. Because god knows it wasnt just that one kid. That entire McDonalds is just a front for drug deals. Everyone in there is on crack, and the company sponsors it!
Its not enough that the guy hiding it was fired and arrested and is facing larger charges? Give me a break. Another opportunistic poo-head that sees some free money. Pathetic. You tell me how a million dollars is going to fix something that most likely didnt even effect the little girl past the fact that she didnt get a toy. There was no bodily harm, there was (probably) no psychological harm, etc. If you want to teach the company a lesson, taking its money wont do it. Theyll have to sue for more stringent drug testing, background checks, etc. And that aint cheap. Paying one family a million dollars is quick and easy. Spending an extra million a year (every year) on the tightened security measures will do more damage and will remind them each time.