Honey Baked Ham - 50% Off Coupon Until 05/09


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Honeybaked.com has honey baked hams and offering a 50% off coupon until 05/09/07.

- Link to Honeybaked.com
- Coupon Price : -50% | Code : MOTHER ( Exp : 05/09/07 )
Invalid Promotion Code Entered. Please re-enter or Cancel.

Not working for me... any advice?
Ive read on other sites that it may be location specific. I see lots of reports of CA residents getting it.. Maybe because youre in FLA? Im in LA and it wont work for me either.
It might just be a CA thing because I've just submitted my order and it works! :) Thanks for passing this great offer along!
The 50% off is only on the 8# half ham. I called and was informed by customer service.
The DC checkout I don't even see an option to enter a code.... must be my eyes
worked in CA for me. i wanted the combo and it didn't let me even enter a code. you have to use it with 14lb ham or more. you can also put other stuff on it and get 50% off but the hame has to be there to get the discount.
so the combo and ham came out to $103 for me. the combo itself is $102 normally.

works for me///ca. i tried 1/4..7# different date and no work BUT,,, 8# and there date ,,the ninth.. it works..honest i saved 34.50
I meant to specify the 1/4 ham customer service only told me about the 8# but it looks like you just have to try differant products and see which gives you the option. The 14# whole also work And it appears that anything you add to your cart after the dicounted item also get s discounted 50%