Do you accomplish any of the following, or give a good effort at it:
1) Turn the water off while shaving or brushing your teeth?
2) Wait to have a full load of laundry or a full load in your dishwasher before turning it on?
3) Do you conserve water by washing your car at a recycled water area?
4) Are you selective when and how you water your landscaping and flowers?
5) Do you garden using organic materials and pesticides?
6) When there is a water shortage in your area, do you realllllllyyyyyy cooperate or do you sneak out and use the water?
7) Have you switched over to the low energy light bulbs? Expensive, but, maybe even only one bulb a month?
8) What do you keep your a/c set on while home, or away from home? Have you changed your a/c filters, cleaned out the air ducts, and, did your yearly maintenance?
9) Do you pull your blinds or curtains during the hottest parts of the day, and turn on your ceiling fans to recirulate the air?
10) Did you know that most area power companies will come out to your home or apartment FREE OF CHARGE and inspect your home for possible energy leaks/waste areas, and, give you a report complete with how to fix the problem and save on energy bills??!
Just some food for thought....since we live on the water, I try hard to monitor what goes out into the Bay. We were just levied with a fifty percent increase on our electric bills! YEWOOOOOOOWWW. Baltimore has a had a huge increase as well. Not sure what it is like in your area? Believe me, I have seen an extra eighty bucks this past month, and, I was GONE for over two weeks. Any other energy saving tips you all can share would be great! :wave:
1) Turn the water off while shaving or brushing your teeth?
2) Wait to have a full load of laundry or a full load in your dishwasher before turning it on?
3) Do you conserve water by washing your car at a recycled water area?
4) Are you selective when and how you water your landscaping and flowers?
5) Do you garden using organic materials and pesticides?
6) When there is a water shortage in your area, do you realllllllyyyyyy cooperate or do you sneak out and use the water?
7) Have you switched over to the low energy light bulbs? Expensive, but, maybe even only one bulb a month?
8) What do you keep your a/c set on while home, or away from home? Have you changed your a/c filters, cleaned out the air ducts, and, did your yearly maintenance?
9) Do you pull your blinds or curtains during the hottest parts of the day, and turn on your ceiling fans to recirulate the air?
10) Did you know that most area power companies will come out to your home or apartment FREE OF CHARGE and inspect your home for possible energy leaks/waste areas, and, give you a report complete with how to fix the problem and save on energy bills??!
Just some food for thought....since we live on the water, I try hard to monitor what goes out into the Bay. We were just levied with a fifty percent increase on our electric bills! YEWOOOOOOOWWW. Baltimore has a had a huge increase as well. Not sure what it is like in your area? Believe me, I have seen an extra eighty bucks this past month, and, I was GONE for over two weeks. Any other energy saving tips you all can share would be great! :wave: