Leukemia and Lymphona Society
Here is the link to the "Leukemia and Lymphona Society." They offer all kinds of financial assistance!!!
Financial Support
The many challenges of a blood cancer diagnosis include managing your household finances and healthcare insurance, and understanding your rights in the workplace as a cancer survivor or a caregiver.
There are many excellent guides and tools available to assist patients and their families in working through these challenges and determining which resources are available to them. Applying for health insurance or filing health insurance claims can be a full-time job and can be extremely overwhelming to a person undergoing cancer treatment.
Patients can call on volunteers for support to assist them in managing the maze of health insurance claims, keeping organized records and filing appeals if needed. Many people will come forward when a person is diagnosed and ask, "Is there anything I can do to help?" There are many tedious yet important tasks in keeping health insurance claims in order. Passing them off to a trusted relative or friend can reduce an enormous burden for a patient.
The Society's Patient Financial Aid Program offers financial reimbursement for some medications, transportation and procedures for those in need.
The Society's Co-Pay Assistance Program offers financial support towards the cost of insurance co-payments and/or insurance premium costs for prescription drugs. Patients must qualify both medically and financially for this program.
Information and resources regarding insurance, managed care and employment issues are provided in Insurance & Employment.
Patient Financial Aid - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Patient Financial Aid program offers financial reimbursement for some medications, transportation and procedures for those in need
Insurance - Serious illnesses such as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma present many insurance concerns and challenges
Employment - Information and resources on employment issues
Prescription Drug Coverage - For people who have a diagnosis of cancer, medication coverage can become quite costly. Especially for those who do not have insurance to cover the cost of life-saving prescription medications.
Co-Pay Assistance Program - The Co-Pay Assistance program offers assistance to patients in meeting their private insurance or Medicare premium or co-pay obligations for prescription medications.