Kingston 1GB MicroSD Memory Card for $10 Shipped After Rebate

This deal is freakin awesome, but BEWARE. This thing works well with some devices but is mostly unstable. I have a RAZR and I had bought it but cancelled my order because I read a bad review, and on Kingston's website they recommended 512mb for RAZR. The next day I called Kingston and the rep. was like that we don't recommend the 1GB because we are having problems with it, so that is why we prefer if you go with the 512MB or go with Sandisk. The next day I went to they had the sandisk 1GB for $26 shipped. I got it from eek technology.
I have this microSD card which I bought like 2 weeks ago thanks to spoofee, and I have no problems. I put it in my Cingular 8525 PDA phone, and have about 600MB of data so far and zero issues.

The Razr has it's limits.
I ordered this and sent me a regular SD card! :eek: