Kingston 2GB microSD Card for $17.95 Shipped After Rebate

Wow! The Kingston rebate form requires you send the original receipt!!!

If they claim they never received your rebate envelope, how can you then resubmit if they require the original?? The nerve!

or you could go for the US Modular 2GB MicroSD for $4.95 after rebate and GCO. Just use a new email address to qualify.

<edit> however, US Modular still hasn't returned my rebate after 12 weeks, so getting kingston may be better, even if its a few bucks more
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Wow! The Kingston rebate form requires you send the original receipt!!!

If they claim they never received your rebate envelope, how can you then resubmit if they require the original?? The nerve!


Hmmmm, well about 95% of rebates require the original UPC. Darn, i guess we just can't do rebates anymore!

If you are using a Motorola i580 or are planning on buying one, this is a very good deal. The i580 has a built in 1.3MP camaera and MP3 player, along with a slot for a microSD card. It is currently the only MIL-STD-810F compliant phone to have those features. The adapter, of course, comes into play when you need to transfer data to and from the card.