Kingston 512mb Micro SD Card for $9.99 Shipped After Rebate

Thanks once again spoofee.

I was looking for one of these so I could load up my phone with a few hundred MP3's. awesome.
lambition said:
I just bought one $10 higher a week ago. :(

Same here :( been waiting for a good microsd deal for a couple of weeks and finally broke down and ordered one from amazon.
Just what I needed. Just got my wife and I new phones that only come with 32 Mb cards but are 512 max. Thanks Spoofee.
Looks like Outpost is a bust. Just got an "out of stock" e-mail. I still have to call their custome support to see if the rebate will be good but I really don't want to wait a month or more :(

Thank you for your order! We apologize but the item(s) you
ordered is currently out of stock and we are unable to provide a
definite ship date at this time. However, we continually receive
new merchandise in our warehouse and we hope to fulfill your
order within the next thirty days or sooner if possible.