Kingston 512MB PC3200 DDR DIMM Memory $19.99 Shipped After Rebates

The price is very attractive, however, the rebate forms are all in text format, and seem somewhat unreliable. Has anyone done any Circuit City rebates in those formats and received the rebate before?

They have a new rebate comp that does okay. Rebate checks often come with a coupon for ten percent off $199.00+...... some restrictions on use.
Do not forget the taxes and personal data that yougive away. Rebate data processing is a big business. You pay 8.5% (NY) sales tax on full price, + postage and handling ($0.50) + waiting period of 6 to 8 weeks + you are giving away your name, address, phone number and Email and many other details (these rebate compnaies can sale all these database to other marketing outfits which is their main intention).