Maxtor 80GB 8MB Cache $50 AR Fry's Outpost


Silver Member
Aug 30, 2002
Reaction score
It's 129.99 - 80 in rebates. Final price 49.99. Purchase must be made on 11/29 for the rebates. So be careful.
hey i see that people are always asking if circuit city/bb/staples/office max rebates are reliable.

how about frys? are these rebattes manufacturer or is frys offering the rebates?


I only see one rebate, and it is the manufacturer's. Where is the other one?
Can you make/post links to all these rebates and items. I cant seem to find any of them. :(
Man...don't leave us hangin' on the edge..

WHY did it get cancelled? I mean..curious minds now want to know...
Cpaladin said:
Man...don't leave us hangin' on the edge..

WHY did it get cancelled? I mean..curious minds now want to know...

From the email
"Please note that the item(s) listed below have been removed from
your order per your request to Customer Service or because the
item is no longer available from the manufacturer."

I never requested the CS to cancel it so it's no longer available from the manufacturer.
Search the net for 'frys sucks' or something simliar, there are a lot of web sites out there with their opinions of that store.
In all honesty, Ive only known one person that actually got a rebate check back from frys and it was for like $5 and they had over $100 due in rebates. Ive never seen a rebate check from frys so if ur planning on trying make sure u get photocopies!