Mr Picassohead


Ok Amber made one last night and I want to save it to my computer, but I don't know how/I can't.

So someone hurry up and make one and save it then tell me how to do it. :p

I want to turn my office into an artsy fartsy office. LOL
I'm going to take the pics I Warholized and the ones we Picassoed and have them blown up and framed.

Thanks in advance.

Did you notice that I didn't actually ask any questions(until now)? It's a

Ok Amber made one last night and I want to save it to my computer, but I don't know how/I can't.

So someone hurry up and make one and save it then tell me how to do it. :p

How did you save the avatar you made? Can't you just do it the same way.

Lacking that, if you use Windoz you can always press the "print screen" button which will capture the screen to your clipboard. You can then paste it into a paint program and crop out everything but the picture.

More elegantly you can use Linux and a real screen capture program and just capture the picture instead of the whole screen.
I have no idea how I did it the first time. I could have swore all I did was right click and save, but that option isn't there anymore.

I'm going to try your suggestion. Thanks a lot!!
That was just too much fun Mina.Thanks.