Here's a mad dog 64mb agp graphics card at office max clearance for $19.00 plus shipping. You may need to check on delivery in your area. Don't have any in mine (south texas).
how's the VisionTek Xtasy 9200 SE 64MB DDR PCI with VGA and TV out from woot-off. i just grabbed 1 for 20 buckz. which one is better PCI or AGP? i believe that one is PCI. thanks for respond.
PCI cards are heavily out of date, you wouldn't want one. A card like that would be AGP. Are you sure that it was 64MB? The one they had last night was 128MB for the same price, the same card.
yeah, i'm sure it was 64mb with the PCI. i think they copy and paste the spec. from last night and they updated after that. i think i'm gonna go ahead and cancel it. how do i cancel in
Hmm. I'm not sure they'll let you. They're kind of skechy on their return policies and all. I know their RMA e-mail address is [email protected]. You can try that.