New short survey for free orajel sample

I didn't see anything about a free baby Orajel coupon - either before or after taking the survey. It just says they'll send coupons for my fave Orajel products. Did I miss something? :(

In order to help us provide the best Orajel products we can, please take a few minutes to complete the following survey. Your time is appreciated and we will thank you by sending you coupons for your favorite Orajel products. Please allow 4 weeks for processing.
On the website page which I was on for baby orajel, it says to click for a free sample coupon. The link I posted was to submit the info for the coupon. But it may also be for another orajel product. Sorry for the confusion.
:34: :secret: Thanks sister-in-law will be needing this with her twins!!
I am not too sure what I will be receiving! Since I do use baby orajel for my son, coupons will definitely come in handy!!! Thanks for the post!
There was no confirmation page, just went to another web site page. Hope it went thru! Thanks!