Ora Health is Seeking Testers for New Product to Prevent Mouth Sores-*Email*


Master League
Sep 24, 2006
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Ora Health is Seeking Testers for New Product to Prevent Mouth Sores-*Email*


[email protected]

New research conducted by OREAHEALTH scientists with testers who responded to this web page (double-blinded and placebo controlled) shows that, for about 80% of people who get at least one mouth sore per month, painful mouth sores can be prevented without injections by placing hyper levels of Avamin (a bioactive form of B12) in the saliva in the mouth once each day. This preventive reduces the incidence, duration and peak pain levels of sores. Common vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is not actually used by the body. It must first be converted in the liver to a bioactive form.

We are looking for people who get mouth sores inside the mouth, particularly people with braces, for further testing of this new treatment. There are no warnings or risks associated with the use of Preven Melts – there is no upper limit on quantities of Avamin that can be safely ingested.

To participate, you must promise to give us reports by e-mail once a week stating whether the treatment is effective for you. If you qualify, we will send you a one month supply for testing. The product we send might be the active product and it might be a placebo with no active ingredients. You will not know which you have until after you report your final results. If you received placebo product, we will then send you a one month supply of the active product. At the end of the study, we will also send each participant their choice of 30 Preven Melts discs or 24 CankerMelts discs as a thank-you.

If you are interested, send an e-mail to [email protected] with answers to the questions below. (You may copy these questions into your e-mail and then add your answers.) We will not reveal any information that identifies you to any person outside our company. We will not use your information for any purpose except this study.

Name (It doesn’t have to be your full name or your real name):

Address (including city, state, and zip, for mailing product to you):

How often do you get a mouth sore?:

Do you have braces on your teeth that cause sores?:

If you have a diagnosed disease that causes mouth sores, what is it?:

If you are receiving a treatment for a disease and the treatment causes mouth sores, what is the treatment?:

How often do you take vitamin B-12 supplements in a swallowed pill?:

Are you presently taking vitamin B-12 supplements by injection or under your tongue?:

Thank you in advance for your participation

Jeff Haley, Chief Scientist
Thanks, Joyce. This sounds like a very helpful test to take part in.

i just got this email.

Thank you for your offer to test a new product to stop mouth ulcers before they hurt. The product we are testing is a dome that sticks to a tooth or gums near the sore and releases an active ingredient over time. The active ingredient we are testing is xylitol.

Xylitol is a naturally occurring, sweet tasting carbohydrate that inhibits growth of at least six species of harmful bacteria that live in people’s mouths, including species that trigger mouth ulcers. People normally have more than 700 species of bacteria living in their mouths. Many of them are helpful and some are harmful. At least one of them sometimes triggers an immune response that causes mouth ulcers.

Xylitol is approved by the US FDA for use in food and in fluid for injection. It is metabolized without using insulin so it has half the effect of typical carbohydrates for diabetes management.

New studies by ORAHEALTH have found that some mouth ulcers can be stopped before they hurt by time-release topical application of xylitol. We are conducting research to find out if time-released xylitol is effective for all types of mouth ulcers.

If you would like to try it and agree to give reports by e-mail, we will mail a free sample of 60 domes. You would place these domes on a tooth or gums near the ulcer when you first detect the beginning formation of an ulcer, before you feel pain. Then, for each ulcer, you would report to us by e-mail:

- how many domes you use on each day,

- the location of the ulcer,

- how long the domes last when treating an ulcer in this location, and

- whether the treatment is effective to stop the ulcer from growing and becoming painful.

When you have an ulcer, you would send a report every day or two.

A possible adverse side effect is that, when people who are not used to consuming xylitol take more than 20 grams in a day, it may cause gut discomfort. However, in this study, the amount of xylitol to be consumed is between 2 and 10 grams per day, presenting an insignificant risk of gut discomfort.

Would you like to try it? Do you promise to give reports by e-mail?

Jeff Haley, Chief Scientist
Orahealth Corporation
13434 SE 27th Place
Bellevue, WA
Canker Sore Solutions
:suspect: They contacted me, too. But when they told me there'd be no compensation, because there was no control (placebo) group, I said, "Forget it." This isn't a legitimate medical study. It's not being conducted according to any accepted scientific protocols. (And didn't they say in the original solicitation that there was a chance you might receive a placebo?)
Xylitol mints are good for your teeth. You could use them to prevent cavities and prevent mouth sores as well as having nice breath.

After my orthodontist introduced me to Xylitol over three years ago, I have been quite hooked.
There are also some types of gum that contain xylitol (believe Trident is the main one).