Philosophical Question #4

How many philosophical questions can we come up with? :convinced:
All of these should be lumped under the first 'FILOSOFFICAL QUESTION' thread, in my opinion.
All of these should be lumped under the first 'FILOSOFFICAL QUESTION' thread, in my opinion.

I don't think that would work. It would become a free-association and off-topic thread-fest. A group might be the way to go but personally I lose interest in those and mainly I forget about them. I always check this forum.
I didn't say another forum, I said a single thread in this forum. Just as I added a second question to the first thread of this topic.
All of these should be lumped under the first 'FILOSOFFICAL QUESTION' thread, in my opinion.

wouldn't that then make it a spelling errors thread? Or would this be anuther fillosoffical qwestion?
just trying (and failing) to be humorous.
just trying (and failing) to be humorous.

I understood too. It was more cute than funny.


no matter what, it just would end up being a bouncy thread hijack from one topic to the next or others (JUST LIKE ALL THE GOOD ONES BECOME!!!!!!!!! :mmph:)
I understood too. It was more cute than funny.


no matter what, it just would end up being a bouncy thread hijack from one topic to the next or others (JUST LIKE ALL THE GOOD ONES BECOME!!!!!!!!! :mmph:)

you mean like an extended conversation among a group of friends?
you mean like an extended conversation among a group of friends?

no, like a extendud fillosofucal hijacky conversashun with suvere spelin errors amung a gruup of freinds :teeth:
Gentemen, gentlemen, gentlemen,
Why is that when you guys highjack a thread with your group of friends it is okay yet when others turn the tables on you, you end up a bit annoyed? For years now, threads have been highjacked, my own just happens. Look at KMA's dwarf thread! Sometimes the very injection of humor will get the ball rolling, sometimes a more caustic comment will bring out boxing gloves on folks. Now, Jerry you can't have it both ways here, if you post an "exciting thread" that people get all involved in, you never know what the hell they are gonna post on it. Sometimes you will get the answers or "debate" you are looking for and other times, you will see go off into the cosmos! Really in the end, isn't it the fact that folks responded to it, maybe had some fun or started a heated "discussion" that makes it fun to read? Not that I am the "Thread Wizard" here, but, if folks are at least encouraged and feel comfortable posting something new (and several here are known "Head Slammers Into The Concrete" when someone makes a mistake) perhaps more would be willing to take the chance? Just my thoughts guys, nothing more. Rags
QUOTE=DanC;516488]you mean like an extended conversation among a group of friends?[/QUOTE]

So what is the difference then between the "Extended Converstation Threads" as oppossed to the new "Social Club" threads? :hmmmm2::noidea: It seems to me (and no hate mail on this folks) that the social club listings have replaced the open forum? And speaking of conversations, why would anyone want to have their conversations displayed up on their personal profile? What is the purpose of that brain thought? If someone has something to say to me, they know me well enough to fire me off an email. I certainly do not want my conversations of substance or privacy tossed out for folks to read! As such Dan, do extended conversations now on Spoofee "pop up" in several places....the open forums, the personal profile page, the social clubs and have such "new features" detracted from the open forum flow?!?! :convinced: And what about all the fuss of wasting space? Seems the "chatter" that is being displayed would waste space? Ahhh, what do I know, I can barely turn my computer on let alone know anything about how much space is being used!
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I for one have never hijacked a thread. :yawn:

So I saw tons of frost on the ground this morning....:p
Dan, do extended conversations now on Spoofee "pop up" in several places....the open forums, the personal profile page, the social clubs and have such "new features" detracted from the open forum flow?!?! :convinced:

I'll take this one, Dan. :p
I do believe they have. Granted peple are busy and the site isn't what it was in the past, but the off topic section barely rotates. I used to check in in the morning and sometimes not again til night and there would be 2 pages to look through. I'd say 5 or 6 threads are circulating now.
I liked the way it was. Everyone would talk amongst themselves IN the threads.
I'll take this one, Dan. :p
I do believe they have. Granted peple are busy and the site isn't what it was in the past, but the off topic section barely rotates. I used to check in in the morning and sometimes not again til night and there would be 2 pages to look through. I'd say 5 or 6 threads are circulating now.
I liked the way it was. Everyone would talk amongst themselves IN the threads.

Amen Butty. IMHO I thought one could get a better idea about a poster's personality and attitude by reading a myriad of responses all in one place. I will stick out my neck (as is my fashion!!) and postulate that perhaps folks are worried/fearful of posting and getting jumped on for that very post? In years past, if a Spoofer posted something and it was not appreciated, liked or whatever, most of us here would just tell them to "Shut up" and move on!!LOLLOLLOL However, that card was played for one and all, and, not the poor individual left out of the High School Popularity Club! Sorry folks, but, there is not enough of inclusion and Spoofee use to be FOR EVERY ONE not just the "Annointed Few" with the highest number of notes tucked into their lockers at lunch time. Those Social Clubs have segregated Spoofee IMHO. It all seems to fragmented, fractured, scattered to me. I don't have the time to go meandering about looking for a topic. Before all the topics just landed here. Come on people, post to your hearts content, make it fun and interesting, you can laugh with others, and, even at yourself....just remember not to be hurtful and insulting and it will work out just fine. :) I think most folks here can give as good as they take and know the boundaries of "pleasantries." Well, maybe not Butty so we best watch her!!! :hug::hug::wave: