Playstation3 160GB Uncharted Bundle for $299.00 Shipped

If you don't mind the fat, this is a better deal over the $274 deal Dell has on the slim.

Uncharted is $30 MSRP + $10 for Pain, so you're "saving" about $15 for the 2 games, plus upgrading the HDD is cake and inexpensive (I got a 500gig HD a few months ago for $80 new on newegg).
I recently ordered this same bundle at Sony Style for $299. In addition, I have a Sony Card that gives $100 on the first purchase of $299 or more.
SonyStyle is OOS (forever), though that was nice.

As for price, I would be curious as to what the difference in operational cost would be between this older (but not oldest) unit and the new slim. Sony stated ~33% less power consumption between those two builds. For some this is not a relevant cost factor, however for households like mine where it's used by many people for gaming and media serving throughout the day, it makes a much more significant difference.

CNET Crave has some charts compared to the old build, but this bundle is the "middle of the road" version.