Pope Sets Plan for Disaffected Anglicans to Join Catholics

Jerry, your use of the term 'reformed' in that context is historically wrong, but I agree with your thought. However since the Roman Catholic Church sees itself as the 'only true church', then of course they would proselytize to members of other denominations.

Now, let's all sit back and see how long it takes for this thread to turn into a flame war.
As fair warning, I just received a new shipment of army surplus napalm.
Jerry, your use of the term 'reformed' in that context is historically wrong.

Historically? I thought that all the ones that altered the more orthodox teachings liked to think of themselves as reformed to a better practice.

This illustrates my point about how the "Word of God" seems to be so easily changed to the "will of man". As if man changing the "Word of God" didn't start with the first time man wrote it and rewrote it and rewrote it, etc. Every religion thinks that it is "it". It would be nice to think (or believe) that one of them was correct but what I "believe" is that NONE of them are "it". This is demonstrated to me by all the conflict in the world today. My God simply IS for me and as such doesn't need to be "proclaimed" or proven. I'm pretty comfortable with accepting that god is beyond my comprehension so why should I spend my life trying to comprehend the uncomprehensible. I have more enjoyable things that I can do that I can comprehend and hopefully can utilize to help my fellow man.