Possible $100 from Vocalpoint

Thanks for posting, wzdprest!! :)

Thank You
Thanks again for your interest. We'll email you soon to let you know whether you were accepted, and for what session.
Thank You

Thanks again for your interest. We'll email you soon to let you know whether you were accepted, and for what session.

In the meantime, check out Vocalpoint.com to see what's happening this week
Has anyone ever done a Vocalpoint focus group before?
Hmm, it said it would email me, but I never was prompted to enter my email address...
I was thinking the same thing... I am a vocal point member. But I never signed in... Heres hoping!
The site must be getting hammered. Hopefully, I can get through.
thank u it is worth a shot for 100 bucks thanks
I went to a vocalpoint focus group about 3 weeks ago, it was almost 2 hours long. It was interactive and fun! We discussed the payday candybar and tasted it and a new improved one. When I left they handed me a check for $100...EASY MONEY.I wish I could do it all the time but I think you can only be picked every 3 or 6 months. If they overbook they pick people to go home and you still get paid!!!!!!!!!
thanks for the post~ wow stinkbag!! that sounds great! thanks