Price match a BlackFriday item?


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2002
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Office Max has a Altec Lansing 5 piece speaker system #20132660. It is listed on the BF list for $20. Normally 49.99

If I buy it tommorrow for $49.99 (plus some paper clips to pad), I qualify for the $10 rebate which expires on the 24th.

I use my $10 off $50 postcard.

ON BF I contact OfficeMax cust. serv. to price match the $20 thus getting 115% of the difference.

$50 minus $10 postcard = $40 ....what I pay at store

$40 minus $20 = 20 for price match

115% of $20 = $23

So $40 minus $23 minus $10 mail in rebate equals $7 plus tax

I beleive I can order this online and get free delivery. Thus I get the BF price without stepping in the store.

This is my first price match scheme, did I do it right?

I've got a $10 gift card from the HP printer deal so I will actually make $3 on the deal.
If you go in the store and tell them you are doing that they are not gonna let you. They say something like its a special 1 day occaision something like that and than they call out the manager. If they are nice they might let you do it but i tried and they said "NO" :( :( :(

Oh yea and someone else had this problem and they said it wont be fair to the others that come in on that day. What a lame excuse. Arses
Of course you dont tell them that, duh :-p You buy the item today then price match it on Friday. This obviously only works in stores with a 14(+) day price match policy (like Staples!).
Did you call them & ask?

Also, doesn't their price match policy require the item to be in stock? You'd have to camp out at night to be sure its in stock friday.
I think I'll just go and buy it today and not be a greedy pig. Its still a terrific bargain.

-10 postcard
-10 giftcard
-10 mail in rebate
= $20 +tx

Not bad for an Altec Lansing 5piece sub/sat speaker system.

To hell with the PM