I am an "Equal Opportunity Hater" meaning if you are a dumb ass, wanting a constant handout, and, bellyaching over stuff that happened generations ago, then, I will get ticky with you! I am sick and tired of the political ploys of these politicians running to all black communities and handing out free this and free that! Help folks get a good education, job training, and, health care and then let them take care of themselves no matter their color or heritage. White people are now the minority. Our white students can't even get financial aid anymore! If you are Hispanic woman, you're a shoe in for financial aid! Handicapped, money is there too for you to get an education. Black well, there are pages of aid. If you are white, and, a male.....might as well forget it! These young men have to rely on the private sector. Tell you what Oprah is not going to give our white young men any help! And Asian males are next in line for not getting enough financial educational assistance! I guess what turns my stomach is that blacks just "expect it" or "demand it" and our white politicians fork it over to them. BE EQUAL BE FAIR!!