Red Cuisinart Non-Stick 10 Piece Cookware Set for $39.99 Shipped

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Red Cuisinart Non-Stick 10 Piece Cookware Set for $39.99 Shipped

Price dropped
You can call 1-866-216-1072 if you bought this item for a higher price in the last 30 days from Amazon to get a pricematch. has the Red Cuisinart Advantage Non-Stick 10 Piece Cookware Set for a good price.

Item has a rating of 3.5/5.0 from 3 reviews

Amazon Regular Price : $99.99 Shipped

1. Amazon Price : $39.99 Shipped
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I'm so tempted to get this. My wife wants a new set and with Christmas so close...I think she'd hit me with one of them if I made it a gift though. ha!
I got a set similar to this about a year ago, and besides the scratches on the bottom of the pots from my dumb roommates using forks on non-stick, it has been an excellent set
It was $99.99 but I refreshed and it popped back up at $49.99

it"s $99.99

So I got in...........
Keep trying.
Amazon does the price lower/raise thing when deals like this pop up..
Good luck.
Just got my set for $39.99 - thanks spoofee
Before you jump on this...

I bought this from the last Spoofee thread (and this is not a knock on you Spoofee)...

The set is VERY lightweight & not at all what you would think the weight should be. If I wasn't as lazy as I am I would send it back but I'll keep...

I don't think it is worth a lot. It is more suited as a college dorm starter set than the normal heavy weight you expect to get.
Called the number to get the credit as I had purchased the set a couple of weeks ago at a higher price. I was under the assumption I went through Amazon as that is the site I purchased it through. Person who I talked with said I went through another company and I wouldn't be able to get the $60. credit. He would give me the number of the company but doubted they would lower their price.
Good deal

Reall Good deal but I only use stainless!

I don't trust the teflon non stick pans.. health wise.
This is PERFECT! My guy and my nice pots don't get along, I'm going to give him these and tell him he can abuse them all he wants ;)
Thanks Spoofee, I was able to call and get the $10.00 price difference credited back. Took less than 5 minutes. To reach a human don't press any numbers after dialing the number.
I Like it

Ordered my set received it next day, not bad for free shipping!! I saw the same set at Sears for $199.00. Good deal, good quality!
Man, if this set didn't have the nonstick coating on it I would be all over it. This is a great set!