Remember when?


No Soup for you!
Jun 17, 2008
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Remember when you could get any size pizza for $5?

Remember when gas was 99 cents?

Remember when a 32 inch TV was considered big?

It wasn't that long ago...
I remember when gas was 75 cents a gallon and first-class postage was 18 cents. Geez.
Preco has spoken saying:

Okay - black & white tv's no bigger than 13" and remote control was just a glimmer of a spark in the tube.......
NYC subway/bus tokens about the size of a dime...
with the "Y" cut out Pizza was 35 cents a slice
What's a black& white tv? :wink:

75 cent gas sounds great Spaz.... If I elect you President, can you make that happen?
Remember when you didn't get groped or irradiated before boarding a plane?
Remember when you could drive to the next town without being videotaped along the highway?
Remember when you were surprised when some politician said or did something that directly violated the Constitution?
Remember when Preco spoke for herself?