(Removed) Whirley-Pop Registration for Popcorn, Oil and Salt


One, Two, FREE!
Aug 31, 2007
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(Removed) Whirley-Pop Registration for Popcorn, Oil and Salt

Link removed by request

Register your popper to get one real theater popping kit. You get popcorn, popcorn oil and salt !!
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Thanks for the post ..

Your free real theater popping kit and other good stuff is on the way. You'll soon recieve an email with more information about your warranty. Please print and save it for your records.
After you submit the form go to the bottom of the page and click on the link for their home page. There you will find 2 more links regarding bowls. Each of the links has another offer.
Thank you!

Your free real theater popping kit and other good stuff is on the way. You'll soon recieve an email with more information about your warranty. Please print and save it for your records.
Every once in awhile you get a REALLY COOL freebie. (not just cool but really cool lol):claps: