Roadside Emergency Kit /w Jumper Cables for $10 Shipped

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
113 has the Halberd 31pc Roadside Emergency Kit w/ Insulated Jumper Cables for a good price.

Item has a rating of 5/5 from 4 reviews.

1. Price : $10 Shipped
I posted this in freebies this morning, it's free after google checkout. :wave:
That's what I did. Order was entirely free (google checkout, no tax, and free shipping). Happy camper here!
Free with Google checkout??

Darn...I "jumped" on these jumpers...and didn't realize the Google checkout would make them free!!! :-(
A lot of reviews from other sites say that this kit is pretty darn cheap - that the jumper cables didn't even work when they needed them.

That being said, to me they are worth the zero dollar and zero cent price after GCO....I would rather be stranded and have tools to play with, right?
Qty Item Price
1 Halberd 31pc Roadside Emergency Kit w Insulated Jumper Cables $10.00
Tax (CA) : $0.72
Total: $10.72

I tried google checkout, but still charge me for $10.72!
what went wrong?
Google checkout is only for new customers. If you've used your account already you need to create a new one using a different email address.
worked for me

Worked for me, totally free. Who cares if it sucks
You know ... I just made up another google account and bought a wii lan adaptor off of for $7 bucks shipped these are like $20 shippied normally.
I bought this exact same kit from Woot a while back.

It'll do the job in an emergency but the jumper cables are rather cheap and won't last very long with regular use.
$0.72 darn Ca tax, but perfect timing my last kit was just recently stolen. Yay for karma! (sort of)