S.F., CA on 9/6: Free Louis XIV Concert at Justin Herman Plaza at 5PM


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2004
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S.F., CA on 9/6: Free Louis XIV Concert at Justin Herman Plaza at 5PM

Free LOUIS XIV Concert at Justin Herman Plaza
Flash Alert! LOUIS XIV is coming to Justin Herman Plaza in SAN FRANCISCO on SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 at 5PM.

This San Diego band hit the international scene in 2004 with their quirky punk feel, sexy lyrics, and irresistible angst. Jason Hill, Brian Karscig, Mark Maigaard, and Jimmy Armbrust released their introductory EP, Illegal Tender, in January 2005, featuring the edgy “Finding Out True Love is Blind”.

We hope to see you at the free concert, but if you can't make it, visit www.FusionFlashConcerts.com for exclusive concert performances, free music downloads, behind-the-scenes interviews, ringtones and much more.


The Fusion Flash Concerts Team

Fusion Flash Concerts
c/o Sony Pictures Digital
10202 W. Washington Blvd., Suite 1100
Culver City, California 90232

© 2005 Sony Pictures Digital Inc. All Rights Reserved. Flash Concerts is a trademark of Sony Pictures Digital Inc.

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Admission to Fusion Flash Concerts events is subject to the Terms of Service. The venues for Fusion Flash Concerts have limited seating and/or admission capacity. Neither your registration at the Fusion Flash Concerts website, nor your receipt of a Flash Alert is a guarantee of admission to a Fusion Flash Concerts event. SPD, its affiliates and Sponsors reserve the right to deny admission to anyone in their sole discretion, whether due to a venue reaching its capacity or for any other reason.