sample of Southern Flavor Seasoning *SASE

Sample 4 Southern Flavor Seasonings w/SASE

That's right! You will recieve all four of our famous seasonings for the price of 2 stamps: 1 to mail it in and 1 for the Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.

For a free sample of all four Southern Flavor Seasonings, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

P.O. Box 691
Selma, Alabama 36702-0691
free sample of 4 seasoning blends (SASE)

Free Sample of ALL FOUR Southern Flavor Seasonings!!

That's right! You will recieve all four of our famous seasonings for the price of 2 stamps: 1 to mail it in and 1 for the Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. We are positive that after you try our seasonings you will want to order from us again. We look forward to mailing a sample to you.
Hi Ladymez, thanks for the very nice post.

It is appreciated.
Thanks but duplicate post!

Was posted on 03.24.07, already!
Sample 4 Southern Flavor Seasonings w/SASE

That's right! You will recieve all four of our famous seasonings for the price of 2 stamps: 1 to mail it in and 1 for the Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.

For a free sample of all four Southern Flavor Seasonings, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

P.O. Box 691
Selma, Alabama 36702-0691
Free sample by mail (Seasoning mix)

That's right! You will recieve all four of our famous seasonings for the price of 2 stamps: 1 to mail it in and 1 for the Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. We are positive that after you try our seasonings you will want to order from us again. We look forward to mailing a sample to you.

For a free sample of all four Southern Flavor Seasonings, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

P.O. Box 691
Selma, Alabama 36702-0691

The Cahaba Products team showcases its Southern Flavor
Seasoning at food shows around the country.

Thank you for the post!