Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 2TB External Hard Drive for $58 Shipped

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 2TB External Hard Drive for $58 Shipped is offering the Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 2TB External Hard Drive for a good price.

Google Products Price : $89.99 ~ $102.95 Shipped

1. Go to eBay and buy a $25 off $75 coupon (Cost : ~$3)

2. Staples Price : $79.99 Shipped

3. Use coupon to get $25 off $75

Final Price : $58 Shipped
There don't seem to be any good 2-3TB options yet, the platters are too dense and unreliable. 1TB drives seem to be where it's at for capacity and reliability. That's too bad because the larger drives have a much lower cost per GB. I'd have to agree that the Seagate externals seem to be some of the worst in terms of such issues, too.
To be honest for the price, its a sweet deal. Same thing on the WD external drive last week. However Seagate's do seem to be the worst of the 2 TB selection, and the Samsung F4's to be the best. However, you get what you pay for. The Western Digital BLACK series are very good drives in any size, thats why they give them a 5yr warranty and cost quite a bit more.. They are also 7200rpm and offer great performance. Also, I notice External drives offer less of a warranty, usually only 1 year, this is due to the fact of more things breaking. If the power supply on the external supply dies, it will stop working, but you can then open the case and remove the drive. Inside of these 'External' drives is just a regular 3.5' drive. Don't get me wrong though, there is always a possibility of the drive dying. If you don't want to lose data, run RAID, simple as that. Buy 4 1TB drives and run Raid5 (will give you 3TB of space and cost about the same as a 3TB drive).
This is a sweet deal. I'm an advanced computer user. I own a couple of seagate externals and haven't ran into any issues. I own one 1tb drivesfor 3 years now and i own this 2gb model since black friday of last year and everything is flawless. i was actually impressed with the speeds of the transfer and the ease of the data backup software. i always recommend seagates over the other brands. typically because of the extended warranty compared to other manufactures, they are innovative enough to offer accessory upgrades on their harddrives, and their data backup software is free and works well.