"Sex charges and a Facebook frenzy"

2 suppressed statistics
roughly 50% of 'sex crimes' are false charges.
"sex offenders', who have successfully undergone therapy, have the LOWEST recidivism rate of any violent crime, under 4%.
Interesting...where are the data from? Perhaps it depends on the kind of sex crime...I imagine pedophiles, for example, have a high rate of recidivism.

I guess only a jury can determine what happened b/w these 2 kids, but what I found unique was the vigilanteism that was facilitated by modern technology and by Facebook in particular. I wonder what the legal ramifications would be for a site such as Facebook if a jury acquits the male student in question.
2 suppressed statistics
roughly 50% of 'sex crimes' are false charges.
"sex offenders', who have successfully undergone therapy, have the LOWEST recidivism rate of any violent crime, under 4%.

The Dept of Justice publishes different information. Perhaps you think they're suppressing the truth.

Within 3 years following their release, 5.3% of sex offenders (men who had committed rape or sexual assault) were rearrested for another sex crime.

Compared to non-sex offenders released from State prisons, released sex offenders were 4 times more likely to be rearrested for a sex crime.
Thanks for the post, PugGirl. Are you familiar with www.google-watch.org? (Sorry, Mr. Spoofee!) The site's a bit over the top but I found the "Spooks on board" bit interesting...I'm not usually a big conspiracy theorist but it wouldn't surprise me too much to learn Google got some funding from NSA or CIA. It makes logical sense for NSA to want access to that formidable database Google has amassed on all of us.
LS posted that link a while back and I saved it so I could remember facebook if the kid ever wanted one.

Even though it is my search engine of choice, I agree about google.
For adult rapists, I find the following data from one review article* that looked at 10,998 subjects covering many categories of sexual offenders:

Recidivism rate after treatment: 20.1% (79/393 perpetrators)
Treatment included relapse prevention, and behavioral and group therapy.

Recidivism rate without any treatment: 23.7% (32/135 perpetrators)

Within this category (adult rapists), recidivism rates appear comparable w/ and w/out treatment. However, looking at the data for some juveniles and for non-violent sexual crimes (such as exhibitionism) it appears that intervention therapy has a more positive effect in those cases.

*M.A. Alexander, Sexual Offender Treatment Efficacy Revisited, Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, Vol. 11, No.2, 1999.