(Spam) Free Mivodesign Knife


Gold Member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
URL Removed do to this being spam and will never come

By Choochoojr:
Be careful with this one, it looks and smells very very fishy. You do not even have to enter any info before hitting submit, then afterwards you get a new screen for comleteing offers. DO NOT use your real phone number. Actually I would just stay away from this one if I were you.
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Thank you, we have received your request. It will be processed and your Mivodesign cutting knife will be sent out in the next few weeks.
Thank you, we have received your request. It will be processed and your Mivodesign cutting knife will be sent out in the next few weeks.
Thanks!! I always use these for doing wallpaper.
Thanks. Site says you can request up to 2 per household...nice!
Thank you
Thank you, we have received your request. It will be processed and your Mivodesign cutting knife will be sent out in the next few weeks.
Pretty cool looking Knife hope it comes
Thank you, we have received your request. It will be processed and your Mivodesign cutting knife will be sent out in the next few weeks.
there was a real quick window that states sorry not available in your area. It was like a 1 second flash. I just happened to see it and poof gone and then Ihit back space.
Thank you
Thank you, we have received your request. It will be processed and your Mivodesign cutting knife will be sent out in the next few weeks.

Global survey window popped up when I clicked "Send Request".
I sent for this on 9/17, so this has got to be a re-post. By the way, it never came. OOPS!~ I sent for the pen (same name), but since it didn't come, I doubt we'll be cutting up anything with this knife anytime soon. I just went to the pen post, and it has been marked as spam, so, this one is spam also.
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I sent for this on 9/17, so this has got to be a re-post. By the way, it never came. OOPS!~ I sent for the pen (same name), but since it didn't come, I doubt we'll be cutting up anything with this knife anytime soon. I just went to the pen post, and it has been marked as spam, so, this one is spam also.

Pretty much what I was going to say....
After submitting the information it redirects your to a bunch of pop-ups and is a pain in the butt to close out of. I am marking this as spam, since it will never come.