Stop those annoying telemarketers if you haven't already....


~*MrS. LuRz*~
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Stop those annoying telemarketers if you haven't already....

Register for the National Do Not Call List... your home and mobile number. You can put ANY number on it so If you wanted to help out you parents or siblings you can also. Just put a valid email for a verification link.
cool, thanks. I got an email like this the other day from a friend, but that only gave a phone# to call. I like yours better. :)
Thanks Casey. I put my name on this list a while back. Just to let you everyone know I still get telemarketer calls off and on. If you just tell them that you are on the do not call list they should stop calling. :)
cam said:
Thanks Casey. I put my name on this list a while back. Just to let you everyone know I still get telemarketer calls off and on. If you just tell them that you are on the do not call list they should stop calling. :)

I work at a company that sells phone numbers to telemarketers (I am not the enemy, it is my wife that makes me work and get a paycheck). If you say that you are on the Do Not Call list but still receiving calls, this means the company is not in compliance with a Federal Law (unless you have a standing business relashionship with them). Businesses that are calling on numbers that are on the Do Not Call are not scrubbing their data in order to get more phone numbers to call at the risk of getting a large fine.

There are a few main data companies that compile data and all of these companies:

1. Scrub the data for Do Not Call
2. Give an option to not scrub (in this case, the one buying is responsible for downloading the do not call numbers from the FTC website and scrubbing themselves)

These data companies license data to the other data companies that sell it themselves or they sell to list brokers.

I would recomend that people go to the website and read up on what you can do if you are getting calls even though you are on the Do Not Call list, and register too (if you don't want the calls)...

Link same as above

I called the day the "do not call list" first became avaialble. I've enjoyed telemarketer free dinners for years now. Doesn't it expire after a certain time - when do I need to sign up again?
I think when i registered it said 2011.. so i guess 5 years from when you registered
Some people can legally call you even if you sign for that list. Charities, stores you bought from, etc....

If you get calls, return to that website & report the number that is calling you.
Thanks Casey! I had heard of this list but didnt know where to find it. Now maybe we can eat dinner in peace! :claps:
This is how to get off the junk postal mail list.
This is how to remove yourself from the credit card offers mailing list.