The War


Goody 2 Shoes Goddess TY
Sep 1, 2005
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Knowing that it is an extremely sentsitive topic.....please let's not heatedly 'discuss' this but share our 'outlooks' or 'perspectives'.

Living in New York and through the Trade Center attacks ( 93 and 2001 - and still living in a 'cloud' of fear)...I am so grateful to our uniformed services (and their families)who everyday sacrifice so much for us. I sometimes feel so 'guilty' when I go shopping or do something 'frivolous' because there are so many who choose to give so much for me and 'my' family and the 'war' goes on as we speak....

It saddens me so when our government cut back the funds to NY as we are and have been the main target of attacks time and again.

I can remember being in Dollywood in November of 2001 and having the staff tell our family, "We're done with that!" :eek:

Last year, while driving the BQE (Brooklyn Queens Expressway - a majorly conjested 'highway') I panicked as I was 'stuck' in dead stop traffic (couldn't get out of my own way if I wanted to). Black military fighter planes flew close to the ground, above my head and my first thoughts were where my children were. Some at school, some with a sitter, until after frantically calling hubby, he reminded me it was 'fleet week' and they were probably doing a 'show'.

So what's the point? Just curious how the 'war' affects those in the different parts of the country...
Preco, I live in eastern NC where Fort Bragg and Cherry point are, I think the war is necessary to deter other terrorist attacks. I know that attacks can still happen but if this slows them down or creates a means to an end then it is worth it. I hear everyday in the local news about how soldiers have died in the war but at this point in time we need to finish what we started. I do want to express my sympothies on those who have been directly affected b/c I personally have not. Be strong and our prayers are with you:)
I absolutely agree we can not simply 'pull-out'. We sat on 'our' hands in '93, we all heard Ollie North and ignored it...this is not something that will just 'go away'.
It's just that sometimes it's just so 'easy' to 'forget' that we are actually 'at war'. In prior wars there were 'light out' and 'air raids', etc.
I thank you and appreciate the prayers...and I pass them to our 'service men and women' for they are the ones who keep us 'safe'.
My step son is in the national guard he was sent to Irag as a MP for 2 years. Thank goodness he came home ok but 3 guys in his unit were killed. He said he would only go back if he had to, I hope that never happens he is only 24. I am so proud to be a American and my prayers go with our service people, but my feelings are that they all need to come home now.
You live in New York City and you've been to DOLLYWOOD? Wow. I didn't know people who lived in big cities with actual fun and interesting things to do ever went to Pigeon Forge.
i support the war 100% and pray for our troops everynight. I don't think we can just let people get away with attacking us.
the united states is the most powerful nation in the world, others would be lined up to blow us up next if we just allowed 9-11 to happen with no consequence.
Many of the main terrorist leaders have been taken out, and yes there will always be more, but we've made an example.
I've had numerous friends and family there for a time, most have come back, but I've lost people. Lots of others have lost people. Those people died heros and their families are in millions of prayers each and every night. Unfortunately, freedom isn't free.
The news doesn't report it all, they just tell us who died. They don't say who lived, who recieved a hug from a child over there, or a sincere thank you from a parent over there.
Were doing good work whether the news reports it or not. Thats the war I've been told about.
I support our troops 100 percent as well. We need to be there and finish the job. If we aren't over there, they will bring it over here again. One thing I don't understand from people who want us to just pull out is- how long did it take for America to become an organized free country, it didn't happen overnight, and how many wars did our ancestors fight in to keep this country free? Where would we be if they had given up?
with everything i see on tv, it's nice to see that other people feel the way i do about the war.
Alysmom, I agree fully. I think the war is going to do them alot of good in the end. I don't, however, feel that much of their country will appreciate the sacrifice when it's all over. They will probably blame us for something like when we helped them fight off Russia in '79
it's like communism... when you're handed anything (money, freedom, etc), you don't appreciate it nearly as much as if you earned it yourself...

that's not to say we shouldn't hand it to them...
Well, it's the way of the world I guess. I am probably the same way.
oh yeah... it's like kids.. they inherently have this sense of entitlement... none of us is perfect... heck, give me a million dollars!
Just give me something!!!:help:
I agree with you all about the war! Sad that there has to be one (that was the fault of them coming over here to terrorize us), but we definitely need to finish what's started. Glad our country is doing something, but sad for the guys/girls (which I know quite a few) who have to be over there.