This game is soooooooooooooooo maddeningly addictive!

:rofl: Guess you're addicted too, Choo ..:yesnod:

Yes, just finished up the 12th one. The only thing I can really say is just move the points slowly around while watching the lines blacken out, it seems like you also have to go pretty wide with most of them.
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This game isn't working for me either.. I fail.
I got stumped on level 19

Anyone that wants to know the secret or tips...PM me.
OK - I'll admit, I'm now more crosseyed than I ever have been ... Mrs. Magoo is giving up on this one --- but it IS pretty cool, if you can stand it :)
I'm on the 20th, last one, evil it is.........I need to sleep....:pound:......

P.S. Choo, you're a light weight! :whip: