This Guy Did What Everyone Said They Would

WTF?? Sent to jail for protecting your own property?? That's insane... A couple years ago, I was advised to get a certain 12ga and mount it in the trunk, or keep it in the house.. You're damn right if somebody goes screwing with my $hit they're gotta hurt... What gives them the right to screw with my stuff and I'm not allowed to defend against them... Do I have to keep the car inside my house for it to be legal to pump 'em full of lead? ugh....
I won a court order against my neighbors and the police told me to buy a gun so the second even if he doens't mean to step one foot on my property to shoot him. His Reason was the courts will take to long if ever to deal with him.

I don't see a problem shooting them, I would.
That's ridiculous. The fact that you couldn't even shoot AT them and you didn't even hurt one of them is crazy. The fact that you aided the police and made the car unable to drive while keeping everyone safe and you were still charged is beyond. You would think that the police would at least have a little common sense... said:
i saw them enter a car and i started shooting more, blew out all 4 tires and shot up the hood and trunk ALOT.. didnt take out a single window and made sure the car wouldnt drive...

Wait, I remember seeing something like this on some cop movie too... But in the movie they shot at the trunk and the car blew up and the bad guys flew out through the windows. LOL J/K
The system itself is completely F'ed up... It's happy letting bad guys go while good guys sit in prison.. Where the hell is the sense in that? Then again, look at the world, or this country.. Seems the minority is the group with some sense... <sigh>
ford50mus said:
it depends upon your local law enforcement

That's true where I use to live the sheriff's dept. had many people that couldn't make it in LA so they dumped them in Tahoe and they where a bit over board. Where I live now with budget cuts and too many redneck officers you have to murder someone to get help, they openly tell say we won't come and will not help.
In LA now the Locals won't repond to house alarms or anything anymore.. Some stupid law or something due to alot of 'false alarms'.. Gee, wouldn't wanna pull a cop from Krispy Kreme to do his job... So basically, if someone tries to fck with my house or car, they're getting their asses kicked... Then 'if' the cops show up, I'll just say, I wouldn't of had to do it except your lazy asses don't respond anymore.. then probably get dragged off because I called the bastard lazy... lol
doh! kinda walked, err, stumbled into that one... But hey, it's a free room with food and I can beat on it as much as I want cuz it's also padded.. LOL