You wanted to be a photographer too, butty? Let's see dental hygienist, masseuse, phys. therapist, photographer, what else have you not told us about?
BTW, I'm the same way.
I did a few months studying to be a Lawyer while I worked at a brokerage firm but changed my mind REAL quick. Once I am a certified Massage Therapist ( not Masseuse..they do sexual favors ) I am going to skip the Physical Therapy all together and go for Psychology. I'm hoping that will hold my
LOL- you're so funny- at least you'll have experience in all kinds of areas- it makes life rather interesting for you too, I'm sure. So, are you going to be a MASSAGE THERAPIST (my bad) at all before/while getting your psychology degree?
Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to do some therapy. I actually dread it. Psychology has always been in the back of my head. I was just affraid to persue it because I am a listener..I'll have to learn how to dispense advise. I have done lots of things but am only certified for a few of them. What all have you started or tried and decided against?
My main thing was pediatric nursing. I was set on this until I had Michael- then, I realized how much I hate being around sick children. So, I've switched to physical therapy possibly. Then again, it could always change if something else catches my interest (or phys. therapy is waaay too hard). We are two of a kind, for sure! I'm the same way with advice. I listen all day long to people (preferring not to be the talker), but I don't want to give the wrong advice. Psychology would suit you- just no sarcastic comments!
Yeah that would be hard to hold back the sarcasm, but I know I can do it. You are a tad more sarcastic than me but we are a lot alike. You don't happen to have the knees of an 80 year old do you? :tongue:
Thankfully, we are not alike in that way. My knees are in good shape- for now. (I do have a bad ankle though) Oh yeah, and I'm just so much more sarcastic than you- wish I could tone it down a little...:tongue: