

Soon2B SurroMom This Fall
Dec 11, 2004
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:eek: Oh my god, how long have I seriously been gone??? I was just browsing through old threads that I have missed and what?? You are preggo!!!!! OMG Congradulations!! I'm so sorry I didn't say anything sooner!!! How far along r u now and do you do you know if it will be a boy or girl?? I can't believe I missed that!! I gotta keep up more often!

:D Don't worry about missing it... I was sly about the announcement. I surrupticiously slipped it into a thread sometime back.

You asked for an update on a good day! We are very excited because we just had our 20 week ultrasound this morning. It's a GIRL!!!! :D Now I can start painting the room... or my husband can, that is. ;)
Congratulations again, Tigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg a girl!!! awww. so what names have you picked out so far??? I get so crazy when someone is having a baby. Its so exciting isn't it. I went estatic when I found out I was pregnant with Piper. I loved being pregnant so much!!! Believe it or not during my pregnancies I wasn't in very much discomfort at all and I never had morning sickness either. Ohhhh, it was soo fun!!! :D
congratulations tigger!!!!!!!!!! you doing a pink room?