Toshiba e335 Color Pocket PC 79.99 AR @ Office Depot


Silver Member
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Office Depot is offering the Toshiba e335 color ppc for...

$299.99 Retail (item #537193)
-$100.00 OD Rebate (you may need to go to first for it to show up correctly, just browse there, then click this link) (you can also try This direct link, but it may not work.)
-$100.00 Toshiba Rebate
-$20 off $75 Coupon (code 20216343 exp. 5/30/03)
$79.99 + Tax (free shipping)

Nice deal in my opinion :)
I believe that code gives you 10% off $50 instead so making the deal $70. Not bad, my wife and I will argue about this one.
Actually, it seems like it goes both ways O.o

the coupon I entered worked as $20 off $75, but now I hear that code is 10% off $50

Added to my cart, then POOF it was discontinued at checkout at 8:12 am EDT DISCONTINUED!!

Called 1-888-GODEPOT

Rep took an order for backorder for shipment. She stated that as long as the transaction is dated today all applicable rebates will be honored. The OM is one and the one derived from Toshiba UPC and Serial on Toshiba website (another) will be honored. "Date of receipt of merchandise is irrelevant", but today's payment is. If merchandise is received after mail deadlines, state on submittal that it was due to backorder situation with copy of order and that will cover both OM and Mfr rebates.

I had her fax me order confirm, could not email...
WTF do they mean by discontinued? ... My guess is it means "oh crap, we're loosing money :shock: !!
I've called several stores and they all still seem to have them in stock ... some of them even have 5-10 in stock. But go online and check, and it says they our out of stock or in some cities "Discontinued" ... If you had your heart set on one just go to your local store ... sure its $20 more than the above posted deal, but $99.99 (AR) is still not a bad price at all.
See UPDATE Above

It is interesting that OD won't let you place an order for store pickup though. Obviously they have them in some of the stores.

My only option was my brother in Manhattan, NY. "there are none in all of Manhattan and you're the 9th guy to call looking for it". There are basically no stores in New England so I can't do anything from here.

Even went to BB and CC to try and pricematch the rebate. Both of theirs expired 4/17 and they wouldn't budge.

My guess is that OD and Toshiba will cross-match the rebate requests against serial #s and deny one. Both vendor and Toshiba participate in tracking these things per CC to prevent double dipping. Program administration may have different mailing addresses but likely work from the same database.
The second rebate posted is not a valid rebate. It is just an advertisement of the rebates in promotion.

So, there is only one $100 rebate on the item.
what do u mean it is not valid. i called toshiba today and they said both would be valid. Plus both have different addresses it appears to be legit :D :D
When you go to Toshiba's rebate web site (the one linked above per the offer), enter the upc and serial number and that will get you to the rebate form. Then just send the stuff in per the form.
:( I ended up paying the extra 30 dollars because they wouldn't accept my online coupon. I should have tried harder. Except the black/white guy doing the sales really freaked me out. A black man with white arms isn't that scary, but the black face with white eye lids and white patches around the lips really :shock: me. So I guess that distracted me from using my super charisma in persuading them to give the discount. I doubt they would have thou :? .

I'm wondering how many people have to pay that extra money like me. Please say if you had to too, I feel so alone right now. Should I keep it or return it? I get two weeks to decide.
Well, its still for like 130 something, thats not a bad deal. But if possible, you can try to buy it at another office depot, and if the coupon is accepted you can always return the first one you bought.
The deal is still on till 6/1/2003. D http//
This rebate is a fraud

i called Office Depot Rebate and they dont accept this.
They dont? It should work out, unless its a forged rebate
I mailed the rebates in to OM and Toshiba today after getting the e335 in UPS yesterday. Possible hiccup... They took the order and my credit card over the phone on 5/1/03 so I could meet the deadline for the rebate and faxed me the order confirm, but told me it was a backorder and dates for rebates would be ensured as a result of late delivery date, "just call cstomer service and explain or put it on your paperwork".

About two weeks later when tracking the order on the web, I saw that they did not apply the 10% coupon as promised, cancelled the original order, and repriced the item to $249(better than 10%)with new order date 5/14/03(potential explainable problem). I actually called about the coupon code not applied and that is how they explained it. Then if I get the rebates as per their paperwork, it'll be $49.99 AR + tax, free shipping. If they say the price adjustment negates one rebate, I'll raise hell and ask to be made whole to $79.99 as originally offered.

I can hear the drum roll now...........

First rebate to Toshiba has been received and apparently validated. Now the OD rebate is the one in limbo, not coming up yet on their tracking system (mailed 5/22).

When it gets there, that'll make it $49.99 ARs and repricing....drums continue to roll.
It finally came up online "rejected".

I wrote an appeal regarding the backorder situation and here's their response:

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your rebate inquiry, at this time your information has been received and was rejected for the postmark date. As of 6/3/03 we have qualified you for this rebate for the postmark date. Your personal reference number is XXXXXXXX. Please allow 8-10 weeks for processing from 6/3/03. Thank you and have a nice day.

Thank you
The Express Group

So yes, it'll be $49.99 AR

Gotta LUV "OD'ing" on Rebates!!