Office Depot is offering the Toshiba e335 color ppc for...
$299.99 Retail (item #537193)
-$100.00 OD Rebate (you may need to go to first for it to show up correctly, just browse there, then click this link) (you can also try This direct link, but it may not work.)
-$100.00 Toshiba Rebate
-$20 off $75 Coupon (code 20216343 exp. 5/30/03)
$79.99 + Tax (free shipping)
Nice deal in my opinion
$299.99 Retail (item #537193)
-$100.00 OD Rebate (you may need to go to first for it to show up correctly, just browse there, then click this link) (you can also try This direct link, but it may not work.)
-$100.00 Toshiba Rebate
-$20 off $75 Coupon (code 20216343 exp. 5/30/03)
$79.99 + Tax (free shipping)
Nice deal in my opinion