Ultra V Series 500W Power Supply for Free Shipped After Rebate

Do I qualify for the rebate if I got this the last time? It was also free after rebate but I see a different Offer # there.
greyknight17 said:
Do I qualify for the rebate if I got this the last time? It was also free after rebate but I see a different Offer # there.

The last offer was UL-2806 and this new offer is UL-2954 so you
do qualify. I've bought about 9 of these power supplies whenever
they are FAR with free shipping.

Don't bother trying to sell at auction.......they don't bring much.

If you have a flea market they do quite well there.
The last offer was UL-2806 and this new offer is UL-2954 so you
do qualify. I've bought about 9 of these power supplies whenever
they are FAR with free shipping.

Don't bother trying to sell at auction.......they don't bring much.
Thanks. I will get this one also then :)

Yeah, I know. I usually get these since they are FAR and also use them sometimes. Thinking about building another new PC. My first one was using one of the Ultra 500W PSU. Love it ;)
hooking up

am wondering if power supplies can be used free standing? meaning does it have to be plugged into a motherboard and setup to run it or can i just plug it into an outlet and it runs (assuming that there's a switch on the PS.

i'm wanting to use an external PS to power 4 harddrives that's hooked up to a pci controller card in my main pc. i have a couple other drives and opticals, etc, so don't want to over draw from that PS since it's only rated 250w (even if it's server rated).

any insight would be appreciated.
I wouldn't recommend doing that. The 20/24 pins on that power supply need to be connected to the motherboard or you might blow the power supply. Not to mention risking destroying the hard drive as well.

I suggest replacing that 250W PSU with this 500W instead if you need more power.
nice..i just ordered one.... has anyone had any problems with rebates with output products before? This is the first time I've ordered from outpost..
thanks greyknight. was afraid of the fact that the PSU has to be plugged into a mobo before some would run and run safely. but still curious why that is. isn't it at the end just supplying juice to to hdd? like running a external usb2 drives? with or without a case....?
From what I read the power supply needs to reach a certain minimum voltage in order to work. It looks like there is a way to do this. You will need to ground one of the pins on the 20 pin connector. Which one and if it will definitely work is beyond what I understand as I have never tried it this way before (although the thought has crossed my mind before as well).
stand alone PSU solution!

greyknight and others who needs this setup....

after some search on the net. i've found the solution(s)!!!!

hope you can do it as well. simple; took a matter of 30 secs....! i was leary initially since i don't trust everything i read on the web. but it made sense and a couple of sites "verified" it for me.

i took a very small needle nose pair of pliers and just stuck it in there. good thing my PSU has a switch. now go and set yours up!

now if your PSU don't have a switch and you want one, put in a switch!
hey guys how long do you guys had to wait before getting the rebate check via mail?