Viking 128 MB CompactFlash Card For $9.44 Shipped Free

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Amazon has the Viking 128mb compact flash card for only $9.44. Great for your camera, PDA, etc.

1. Amazon Price : $29.44
2. Rebate Price : -$20.00
Final Price : $9.44
The Amazon site says the rebate is only $10.00 but the rebate form lists the $20.00 so I guess all is O.K.
Don't forget to select the "FREE SHIPPING" option.
Thanks mineralblue.
Also, Thanks Spoofee, I didn't follow your direct link on the main post.
Yes, Viking ranks towards the top in quality. :)

$20 MIR for complact flash card

just curious about this MIR. The link states its from the tigerdirect website. Is it valid for this order?you guys sure? Extrely sure? :hmm:

Can you use rebates on ? Will they accept this ? I really wanted to get this card but i just want to make sure before i purchase it.

ford50mus said:
Can you use rebates on ? Will they accept this ? I really wanted to get this card but i just want to make sure before i purchase it.


It looks like the rebate should work just fine. It states on the form "Participating Retailers and Viking Authorized Partners"

also here is where the rebate form can be found from Viking directly

So... if both rebates work, then this card is actually free after rebates or am I missing something?

Each rebate form requires the original UPC and states only one rebate ". . .per receipt/invoice." You appear to have the choice of saving $10 or $20.
I really would like to order this Viking CF from Amazon, and judging by the wording of the rebate the one should work. However, the big red flag to me is this: if this rebate is good at Amazon too, then why doesn't Amazon update their rebate information with the $20 rebate instead of the $10 one? I'm sure they'd sell a lot more of this item if they did that.

The fact Amazon doesn't update their rebate to the better one tells me either: (1) the better rebate does not apply to Amazon or (2) they are lazy about updating their pages. I don't feel like gambling over $20, so I'm not willing to risk the reason may be (1).

I recall that Kensington said a perfectly valid rebate of theirs (where the purchase complied with all the terms listed) would be invalid because it was not intended to be used with their "sale" price. Fortunately I found it out before it shipped, so I was able to cancel, but the point is companies can "invent reasons out of thin air" to invalidate rebates if they want to. I have no experience with Viking, so I can't make an assessment if they are nice or hard-nosed.

If I had a printout of Amazon pages showing a $20 rebate (instead of $10) and then Viking denied it, I'd feel reasonably confident Amazon would do something to make it right, but when only $10 is listed if I then sent in the $20 rebate and it was denied I don't think I'd have a leg to stand on. So I guess I will sit this one out unless Amazon updates their rebates.
Hi!! As a rookie, I've downloaded the $20 rebate five times and been unable to open it to view it. How do I do this. I can find the file, but then it won't let me open it. Please help!! THANKS!!
savvymom said:
Hi!! As a rookie, I've downloaded the $20 rebate five times and been unable to open it to view it. How do I do this. I can find the file, but then it won't let me open it. Please help!! THANKS!!

Welcome, sounds like you might need this program to read it.

The rebate is a .pdf(Adobe) file. Install the above program and the rebate should open up just fine. :D