Walgreens - Free Film Developing Today Only


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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If you have any 35mm, APS-Film, or one-time use cameras,

Walgreens is offering free film developing today. (04/09/08)

- Link to Coupon
- Store Locator
film is kind of like digital images, but your pictures are stored on a plastic sheet until they get developed in a complicated process and put onto paper. It's interesting but quite primative.
What's Film?

Film is what your parents used to take your baby pictures.

Spoofee, this was a perfect deal for me. I had a roll of color film that was sitting in my old Nikon camera for years. I hesitated to have it developed because there was no way to know if the film was spoiled by age or not. I printed the coupon and took the film to Walgreen's. There were 14 printable pictures on a 24 exposure roll. Some of them were taken more recently, before I rewound the film into the cassette to remove it from the camera. One or two were memorable, so it was barely worth the gas I used to drive to Walgreen's, but at least I know that I didn't miss some great pictures and that the camera still works.

Thanks, Spoofee:o