weekend specials on a wednesday night???

Protégé Ménacé

Gold Member
Mar 14, 2002
Reaction score
maybe im just retarded, but wed night i came here and saw the weekend specials.

are you going to eb on vacation adn cant update the site spoofee?

or are you in some sort of daze thinking this is the weekend?:D
i know its what the webpage had.

instead of saying "08/14/02 - Wednesday Spoofee Deals *********"

it said "08/xx/02 - Weekend Spoofee Deals *********"

I am positive it said that because i made this post wondering why it was the weekend already. if you didnt type that then i would make sure you website is secure and only YOU can access it.
Maybe the page was cached... Did you try reloading it?

I hit F5 and eveyrthing. it showed tuesdays specials and above that weekend.

I check teh site a few tiems a day so i know its not cashed from the last weekend, something was messed up, or i wouldnt have made this post ;)

oh well its back to normal:)