What Did You get for X-Mas


Night Donut
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
Just wondering what everyone got for christmas
Clothes.........clothes.......more clothes......oh and some candy..some money......

This was my first christmas buying gifts for relatives and cousins, and it ate out 700 bucks out of my pocket.......I guess I went a little too far.....
I gots me Season 1 and 2 of The Adventures of Pete and Pete. :claps: :claps: :claps: :claps:

A buncha DVDs!!! Including Office Space Special Edition!!!!! :D Buncha gift cards, cool cash, and a lot of clothes! Oh, and this really awesome Adidas Limited Edition Track Jacket. YEAHHHHHH. I guess karma really pays off because I bought my mom a brand new iPod Shuffle 1 GB and a speaker system for it. She was so excited!
I got Garth Brooks Box Set CD's, A few gift cards, socks, and $925 to go towaards a new er pickup truck, and a 5th of Makers Mark from my boss
Here is a pic of me and my gift I received :tongue:


I guess i just pulled a King of The Hill, when Kahn moves in, Dale keeps saying, so,are you chinese or japanese?
I got the mighty mouse for my powerbook, BSG season 2.0, best buy gift card, eminem curtain call cd, clothes, cologne, and some other stuff.
I got some bling, pj's, robe, slippers, perfume, clothing, bath & shower gel set, gift card, more bling, purse, money, cd.
I got 3 out of 18 . :eek:

Oh and I got a digital camera for Christmas. Now I have to learn how to use it. When it comes to technology I'm always a little bit behind.