windows mobile question?

Brother Ron

Every knee shall bow <><
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
My VPN Drops when I use VNC; I decided to ask here in spoofee just in case there are any techies here that may can help....


I have a Starcom PPC 6700 with WM 5.0; Under connections I created a VPN connection with default settings. I connect to the internet then connect to my VPN. I run ipconfig and verify that I do have two ip address; one is the internet address and one is the vpn pptp adapter address. I then run my VNC client software to an internal lan private ip and Immediatily the VPN drops. If I use the VNC software to connect to a public ip without connecting to the vpn then the VNC works great. I have tried several different versions of VNC and all do the same thing as above, so that leaves me to believe it is not a setting with vnc but maybe with the vpn setup. Another way I have tested this is to connect to my office through WiFi. If I connect through WiFi and use VNC with the lan private ip everything works great. Only when I connect with the VPN then use VNC, the VPN drops. Also, I installed pocketputty telnet program. I can connect to the internet, then my work vpn then use pocketputty to telnent into a linux server with a private ip and that works fine. I can even ping from the linux server to my pocket pc smartphone and get replies. But as soon as I connect with VNC, the VPN drops......Any Ideas anyone - Thanks, Brother Ron
Stop using VNC. Hmm...there must be a software incompatibility with VPN and VNC. I've not used either on Windows Mobile, so I couldn't even begin to offer much advice. Again my guess is some type of software incompatibility.
Stop using VNC. Hmm...there must be a software incompatibility with VPN and VNC. I've not used either on Windows Mobile, so I couldn't even begin to offer much advice. Again my guess is some type of software incompatibility.

I've tried Terminal Service Client on my WM device also and the same thing happens. It has got to be with my vpn setup; dns #'s or something. Oh well, I'll keep playing with it, eventually I will figure it out - Thanks :)
When it kicks out, do you only show the one IP addy?