XBox 360 goes for over $3,000 on eBay

when the playstation 2 first came out and it was nearly impossible to get, i was walking through target (christmas eve day, 2000) and heard a kid working at the camera counter telling the other guy working with him that they'd just gotten a shipment of 3 in and they weren't even gonna put them on the counter. he said he had them holding one for him. i asked him if i heard correctly and he said yes so i made a beeline for the electronics dept and snagged me one.
i'm hoping that'll happen again with xbox 360 this year, but something tells me it won't :p
man, that Xbox 360 is so cool...its specs are practically equivalent to my computer, which is quite new. But, i dont play video games on consoles (only on the PC), so no point of gettin, where do i get the money to buy one ? :(
AWWW MANNN, I got ripped off! I bought mine for $4,000!
The $3500 is a joke, but there are plenty going for around $700~$800.

It's really funny how this always happens. I'm going to line up for Nintendo Revolution and PS3.
Spoofee said:
The $3500 is a joke, but there are plenty going for around $700~$800.

It's really funny how this always happens. I'm going to line up for Nintendo Revolution and PS3.

hahaha, i'm thinking of exactly the same thing...when can we start reserving for PS3?
come on guys:
Winning bidder: ijij6653 ( 0 ) New eBay Member (less than 30 days)Not a registered user
I won one through the Mountain Dew contest, received it about five days before it released. My wife and I were considering putting it on ebay but didn't. The thing really is incredible. Only problem is my eight year old son is confiscating as much time on it as he can!
Leatherneck93 said:
I won one through the Mountain Dew contest, received it about five days before it released. My wife and I were considering putting it on ebay but didn't. The thing really is incredible. Only problem is my eight year old son is confiscating as much time on it as he can!

OH MAN! I"M JEALOUS! CONGRATS but... with a little jealousy.
next year xbox 360 will have a new revision that ships with a 65 nano processor instead of a 90nano.
I was one of the lucky one that won one on every 10 minutes dot com...
got ours last saturday and it's been workin perfectly....
Wow, that's two Spoofee members that won through Mountain Dew. Congrats guys!