Yeah! Little Ceasars


RIP Pretty Unique
Oct 1, 2005
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Husband saw this on TV Tuesday. The founder of Little Ceasars gave a disabled Veteran who had lost both his legs his own franchise.:bigok: Just another reason to eat there, like I needed another one. As a wife of a disabled Vet. I am for any and all support of U.S. Veterans. Many of them spend years fighting the VA for their benefits, mine husband is still fighting for all his benefits.
Thanks for the information, and thank your husband for his service!
Connie, that is great! Good luck to your husband....
:claps: Little Ceasars:claps:

Vets are underappreciated. Compare a 'Vet Hospital' to a 'real hospital'..:( Shame on you government! :thumbs_do
That is awesome!!!!!
I havent been to a Little Ceaser's in years!
Thanks for the uplifting story Connie! God bless you and your husband!
But what about all the other disabled vets? Did they get any special treatment? Did they get any help? I guarantee that this guy isnt the only guy to have lost his legs, and some people are a lot worse off than that. I guess thats great for the one, only, single person who got the store, but Im more concerned about the thousands of others who got bupkis.
But what about all the other disabled vets? Did they get any special treatment? Did they get any help? I guarantee that this guy isnt the only guy to have lost his legs, and some people are a lot worse off than that. I guess thats great for the one, only, single person who got the store, but Im more concerned about the thousands of others who got bupkis.

Hopefully other establishments will jump on the bandwagon as well. Something like this also brings about awareness of the situation...this encourages others to help out and possibly brings about changes for the good of all. So in essence, it benefits all (although not on the same scale.)

I wouldn't criticize someone for doing 'too little', I'd applaud them for taking the initiative and doing 'anything' at all....JMHO
I didnt criticize him for doing too little. I said its great for the guy who got it, I was just stating that Im more concerned about all the other thousands of them that have nothing and are getting no help.

On a related note, I post TV shows in a newsgroup where people can download them from all over the world. I post Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Dresden Files, Dirt, and a couple of others. I got a message from a guy in Afghanistan thanking me for helping to keep morale high among the troops he is able to share the shows with. I have a newfound pride.

I jokingly (but seriously) told him, "So, wait.. I make a difference? Awesome! I will have to remember to mention that the next time someone comes up with, 'And what have you done to help?' Just realized, I should get him to send me a picture of him and his battalion, company, or what ever you call them so I can say "This guy. I help this guy, that guy, that guy, this other guy, etc." That would rule.
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But what about all the other disabled vets? Did they get any special treatment? Did they get any help? I guarantee that this guy isnt the only guy to have lost his legs, and some people are a lot worse off than that. I guess thats great for the one, only, single person who got the store, but Im more concerned about the thousands of others who got bupkis.

It is terrible how many people can't get what they deserve. We only had to fight the state for 1 yr for his disability, yet it took over 3 yrs from the VA. I had to write a letter to the President just to get anything to happen and it still took 2 yrs after that. They only gave him 10% service-connected and keep denying him a higher rating. What they try to do is to get you to either get fed up and quit refiling or wait for you to die. Great, huh?! After serving them, they don't want to do s*** for you.
Thanks for the show of support. At this time in our war or terrorism, we need a great deal of support from everyone.
:claps: Little Ceasars:claps:

Vets are underappreciated. Compare a 'Vet Hospital' to a 'real hospital'..:( Shame on you government! :thumbs_do

:bs: Don't even go there.... VA hospital system is one of the BETTER ones in the US, currently. At least you get a full 30 min / pateint there, and most of the tests / drugs are free of charge with maybe occasional copay of ~$7 ever for several hundred dollar medication.

:look: ARTICLE #1 and ARTICLE #2