I didnt criticize him for doing too little. I said its great for the guy who got it, I was just stating that Im more concerned about all the other thousands of them that have nothing and are getting no help.
On a related note, I post TV shows in a newsgroup where people can download them from all over the world. I post Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Dresden Files, Dirt, and a couple of others. I got a message from a guy in Afghanistan thanking me for helping to keep morale high among the troops he is able to share the shows with. I have a newfound pride.
I jokingly (but seriously) told him, "So, wait.. I make a difference? Awesome! I will have to remember to mention that the next time someone comes up with, 'And what have you done to help?' Just realized, I should get him to send me a picture of him and his battalion, company, or what ever you call them so I can say "This guy. I help this guy, that guy, that guy, this other guy, etc." That would rule.