10 Free Mailing Label Sheets - E bay Users.


Master League
Staff member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Must have an eBay user id w/ atleast +25 feedback. 5 labels To choose from.

Welcome to OnlineLabels.com, the largest supplier of blank labels for laser and inkjet printers on the Internet. We’ve got labels for just about everything, and we’d like to offer you a one-time deal! If you are an active eBay® seller or buyer with 25 or more feedback, we’ll send you 10 free sheets of our most popular shipping labels, no strings attached.

It’s easy, just pick a label below, enter in your eBay® user ID and click the orange button. Once we review your submission, we’ll send your labels out at no cost! Why wait? Try OnlineLabels.com today!

This is perfect! Thanks so much! =)
Now I can put the glue away for a change.
In regards to the promotion...

My name is Jake, and I'm the director of marketing for OnlineLabels.com. We appreciate your interest in our company and this promotion.

I'm responding to this thread to let everyone know WE ARE in fact validating each request and have a number of checks in place to deter fraudulent requests.

Using somebody else's eBay user ID is highly unethical and is essentially stealing someone’s identity. In my opinion, that is just not right.

My email is [email protected] if anyone has additional questions.

If you would really like to try and scam our company, I would kindly ask that you do not waste your time. However, if you are genuinely interested in receiving labels, we would love to do business with you.
